Харин гуйвуулж маазрах болсон чинь үг гэдэг чинь урсаж гарч ирээд, ухаан гэдэг чинь ундарч оргилоод болдоггүй, яалтай вэ? Болор цомын “Дүрмийн бус яруу найраг” номинацид үзээд алдвал яадгын бол. Алдаатай, алдаагаа мэдэхгүй, тэгээд хүнд байтугай өөртөө ч ойлгомжгүй байх чинь ер нь бол пост модернизм-авангард инди урсгал мөн биз дээ.
Men are horrible
They drink when they want to scream
They are angry when they are hungry
They cry when they are drunk and want to die when they have
a hangover.
They fight with weakest man than own
They stand up for authority
They don’t take no for an answer, if women are beautiful, which they interested.
They go without money, so their wives can have them.
They can say “sorry, I have no money” in the bus.
They never go alone to the doctor, and they are big complainer
when they are really sick
They like a child, sometimes…
They don’t afraid to take someone’s corruption
They don’t jealous their sperm when they like women
And they don’t regret when they betray their wives almost.
Actually, they are not sure when their girlfriends are pregnant from them.
They are very lazy, when they relax at home and they love remote
control than their wives
They forget birthdays, valentine’s days, wedding anniversaries
and often buy Christmas presents,
Then they say “I am not insensitive, I just don’t care”
However, their habits are never-ceasing
But, ladies, you must answer too, what would we do without them?
They drink when they want to scream
They are angry when they are hungry
They cry when they are drunk and want to die when they have
a hangover.
They fight with weakest man than own
They stand up for authority
They don’t take no for an answer, if women are beautiful, which they interested.
They go without money, so their wives can have them.
They can say “sorry, I have no money” in the bus.
They never go alone to the doctor, and they are big complainer
when they are really sick
They like a child, sometimes…
They don’t afraid to take someone’s corruption
They don’t jealous their sperm when they like women
And they don’t regret when they betray their wives almost.
Actually, they are not sure when their girlfriends are pregnant from them.
They are very lazy, when they relax at home and they love remote
control than their wives
They forget birthdays, valentine’s days, wedding anniversaries
and often buy Christmas presents,
Then they say “I am not insensitive, I just don’t care”
However, their habits are never-ceasing
But, ladies, you must answer too, what would we do without them?
15 Сэтгэгдэл:
Чи монголоороо гоё цэцэрхээд бич л дээ. Англиар болохоор уран жиргээд байна уу, уухилж гацаад байна уу мэдрэхгүй юм аа
Hahaha...chi shuuuuu!Ganaa bagshid uzuuleerei!!!
Zooz, ene huuhdiin english bol bur tasarlaa l daa. Neeree l oilgohod hetsuu avangard shuleg zohioson bna, urlagiin nariin medremjtei tuldaa l neg ym halit mult oilgoloo shd hehe
hue naadhaa tsejilchuul harin bolhin bishuu hehe . goe zohiosn bnooooo
Хүүе ээ Идеа, сүүлийн бичлэгүүд чинь дандаа англи хэлтэй холбогдоод онцгүй байнаа, халгиж цалгисан гоё монгол хэлээрээ л бич л дээ залхах тийшээ хандаж байна шүү.
Ah it seems you alluded some negative stuffs about men, but the question at the end was good though.
ingej baij english ch gui mongolish ch gui boltson hun olon l baidiin
mash goy bolj, unshaad jaal ineev.
hahahahha very true
хахахаха дорможлоод байгаарай Айдаа гуай, таалагдсан хүүхнээсээ үрийн шингэнээ хармалдаггүй байхдаа яахуу дэ
10n jiliin huuhed bichisen yomoo daa gesen bodol turjiine eunshisan jini!
Shuleg gehed hetsuu yom shig !
esuul manai Mongol erchuud gej bolhiin ternes buh delhiin erchuud im gej hudoloo heled yahoo dee tee!
Ямар horrible дээрээ dull бас тэгээд obstreperous гайхал нь Адъяа-г маань гомдоогоод байнаа... Энэ бичлэгээс болж аягүйдээ эрчүүд бултаараа anti-Idea болчихож ч магадгүй байна шүү.
хэхэ, хөгжилтэй юм
Юу гээд байнаа. /ойлгосон бол ч өнгөрөө Idea/
Яаж байгаамбэ дээ бяднийг. Эр хүний жаргал эзгүй хээр ээ гэж /чононд байриулсан ч хамаагүй/. Тэнэглэж явахдаа л жаргалтай гэж боддог улс шүү дээ бид чинь.
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